The expansion of the family will require additional MOKHORO/rondavel for the family members that are old enough to live on their own or a teen pad. These can also be used as a one bedroom flat at the bottom of any garden. Polygyny is common, and each wife has her own hut within the kraal. Alternative when the sons and daughters get married they build their own hut. There are cost effective method of buying a plan online that gives you all the architectural information required for construction in the all areas. It is a typical form of submission drawing that is suitable for plan approval by the local authority. This plan is for the chief/King/Couple with an ensuite, dressing room and kitchennette. Natural look with stone walls or African art.Terms and conditions apply.
The expansion of the family will require additional MOKHORO/rondavel for the family members that are old enough to live on their own or a teen pad. These can also be used as a one bedroom flat at the bottom of any garden. Polygyny is common, and each wife has her own hut within the kraal. Alternative when the sons and daughters get married they build their own hut. There are cost effective method of buying a plan online that gives you all the architectural information required for construction in the all areas. It is a typical form of submission drawing that is suitable for plan approval by the local authority. This plan is for the chief/King/Couple with an ensuite, dressing room and kitchennette. Natural look with stone walls or African art.Terms and conditions apply.
Dimension 7m diameter
Area 22sqm
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